Arrive here to this blog... That is.

These Little Sweethearts were created for my 2nd Lil'girl, Allegra
just for her 1st Month celebrations. They were given to everyone dear to us as a memorable keepsake for sharing our love and joy.
I sometimes surprise myself with what I'm capable of creating while not having much time on hand especially with 2 children
demanding for my attention
*Ahem! ~ Grandma's home looking after the kiddies too...
It's the sacrifice and effort that counts!
These obviously are crafts that I absolutely love and adore... and, therefore that explains my disappearance from this blog after having Allegra :)
*Remember I did mention I had to sacrifice... my time to blog
Awww... I heart them so much!

And it's good to see that my 'stowaway' bunnies brought into good homes...
There are two with a permanent place on my fridge! they're helping to hold up my shopping list
Will you be so kind to take a pic of them on your fridge... Holding your shopping list as you say they are... Bunnies can come back together for a reunion this october!
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