Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oooo... what BIG TEETH you have...

here's another one from D-BROS... pictures are good enough to tell you why it fascinates us...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lovely Flutter Wings...

via dedece... we found buttefly bookmarks of Ryosuke Uehara from D-BROS...

Now that's what we call Unique...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Peek a boo

Just couldnt resist these eye catching items from Dolce & Gabbana for all year round collection 08.

L.O.V.E the shoes!!! first of all

cant R.E.S.I.S.T the sunnies- crusted with Swarovski Crystals

lastly, not D.E.N.Y.I.N.G the sophistication of-- he/she carry-bags

Help your economy... spend some $$....shopping!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just casually browsing...

and came across prettylittlethieves on Etsy... i love how its raw and comes across as a spontaneous work of art..

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Love for Nature and Folklore...

this week... we leave you with works of Sanna Annukka...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

There's Monday... then there's Tuesday...

We already feel as though we've been completely drained of our 'perkiness'... but here's a little something to perk you up and brace yourself through the following days... until the weekends are here again.

Some funny lil'strips from Kawaii-not... we're sure there would be some that you could relate to and have a good laugh... plus they're so cute!! 


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sydney's weather

You may be interested to know that Sydney's weather is...crap today and the wk to come!! It's actually Spring FYI, but it definately still holds winter temperatures.
Cold Rain and strong winds... haha, hope you guys,on whichever side of the world, are enjoying better weather!

cheers to a good weekend!

Japan Fahion Wk 2008

With the change of seasons around the world, so is fashion for all of us. Japan, a country that never stops amazing people with anything they do; electronics, food, makeup and needless to say, Fashion styles, recently had their fashion week in TOKYO city from the 1st - 7th September 2008.

We've put up some pics of their showcased designers to give you an idea of what's in store for this spring/summer collection. For those who would want to embrace these styles, check the designers out.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We're hooked!!!

Thanks to Amelia... we're now hooked on Pet Society on Facebook...create your own cute, quirky munchkins like our pets Goochy & Mueei... Have Fun!!!