Sunday, September 19, 2010

I kinda ♥ these...

For Nikita... but winter is over...
Maybe for next Fall....

Lovelies from SweetPeaToadTots

♥ Show and Tell...

Here's a pic of Nikita... I've been wanting to show...


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Weekend ahead!

Happy Saturday...

Something Old... Something New


Here's a little project that I might take on for my study upstairs.

Mr M and I have been looking around for wallpapers but couldn't really agree on one that we found really suitable.
But THIS! I've seen it done in places like T2 shop with Chinese paper scripts and I thought it was Great!
I just text the Husband and got a reply...
'Yeah, Sounds good in Theory'
Looks like there might be a little more convincing involved....
anyhow... it still looks great right?

An Inspiration from Anthology...

*a chance for vintage shopping for books!
French? Italian? Dictionary? Classic stories?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Books to ♥...

Months back... I read Craft Inc. and loved it!

Browsing through Kinokuniya one day... displayed on the shelves of the Arts section...

I came across Creative, Inc.
'The Ultimate Guide to Running a Successful Freelance Business'
At that instant... I knew I had to get it!

These books aren't just an overview of how things are done but inspires you through details and experiences of many creatives... like Jonathan Adler. The book comes across with very practical & realistic questions and tips for you to think about...

What's really good about it - is knowing and relating to Famous Creatives that have actually been through obstacles and standstill points in their lives - Just like us!

A Must Read! For anyone who are at crossroads between choosing
a Stable Career with a steady flow of income
or the Non-Traditional career path!
Which surely is a very difficult choice.

It is definitely an essential resource for all you Creative Peeps!

Even if you aren't a Creative Creature... it still is a good read :)

Thank you Meg & Joy! Happy Days....

fly... ♥ Papillionaire... fly...

Spring is here...

And it's time for outdoorsy stuff... :)
like cycling through City Road to the markets
or maybe even to meet friends for coffee...

Whatever the reason...

Hint! Mr.M :: I want Sommer Papilllionaire! and Nikita can ride with me :) Woot!Woot!

My Ride can be found here...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We're gonna be at the Markets!

Excuse the mistake on the date...

See you there!